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Hello TGLF - Fans,

Do you sometimes ask yourself - what if? What If you would just look younger than right now? What if our hair would get grey not as soon as it does right now and the problem of getting wrinkles won't even matter until we are in a very old age? Your hair won't get split ends anymore, your nails won't be too thin and your skin won't be impure. We would feel so fit, that we would only have to sleep 3 to 4 hours and wouldn't have any problems regarding sickness. Would be very cool, right? You can have that. You only have to change your way of eating,

Just go ahead, take your time and think about everything you are eating during the day. Are you a vegetarian? Or are you even eating vegan? Highly likely you are one of the people who are just eating "normal." You eat what you like and even think is pretty healthy for you and your body, right?

What if our way of eating is completely destroying us?

Deadly diseases like cancer are promoted, the body is getting slumbered, and we are aging faster? I don't know about you, but I am usually very tired after I ate a lot. I could fall asleep immediately. The food does not give me the energy that I actually wanted to absorb, it takes it to me. I'm broken, I want to rest. In the morning, when I wake up, I find it hard to get up, I do not feel awake after 7-8 hours of sleep, although I actually should. I know it's because of the way I am eating. Like most of us eat. It's time to wake up, people. It's all because of the way we are eating and what we are eating.

So what can be changed? Green smoothies are definitely the answer. Green smoothies contain dietary fibers, high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants - that's all we really need. It is a smoothie of green leaf vegetables and fruit, which is mixed in a high-performance mixer. We all know that it is good for us to eat green stuff. However, in order for all the valuable nutrients from the interior of the cell to be available to the human organism, the cell walls must be broken. Therefore, lettuce or even spinach is still much healthier and better for the body, if this was previously milled.

If you only feed on green smoothies, there would be a lot of change. The nails become harder, the wrinkles go away, one would look younger. Victoria Boutenko and her family have only been eating raw food for 11 years of their lives because of many illnesses, which has already influenced many things in their lives. The diseases were somewhat better. At some point a place had been reached where the family had discovered that the nutritious richness was still not fully covered by raw food. Victoria began to study the diet of chimpanzees, since they are the most similar to humans. Chimpanzees eat 50% fruit, 40% green leaves, 10% seeds, tree bark, plant mark, insects and small mammals. These animals are by nature much healthier than we humans now. Boutenko has done some studies and talked to many scientists with whom I do not want to bother you now, and has found out with the green smoothies a way to cover our nutrient range most completely and to the healthiest life.As a result, our bodies are never over-acidified, so we would be less prone to fatal diseases. It is important to distinguish between plant green and vegetables. Plant green is not a vegetable. It contains no starch and is considered a wonderful protein supplier. (Yep, love sportsman, a green smoothie is better than any protein hake) Green leaf vegetables is the most important food group. Unfortunately. To be honest, I do not find it so delicious to just bite into uncooked spinach or broccoli. The green of the carrot tastes really not so good for me, and the lettuce leaves taste really well, if one these beautiful spices or in a delicious dressing soaks. That is why Boutenko has found a way to avoid the "kicking down" of the important leaf vegetables and mixed this with delicious fruit. Her book „green for life“ describes the whole story.

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